Vanessa Parise, a graduate student in the Trauma and Recovery Research Unit led by Dr. Margaret McKinnon at McMaster University is in the process of recruiting participants for an upcoming pilot study which will explore the effectiveness of a new psychoeducational program aimed at improving posttraumatic stress injury (PTSI) symptoms among military veterans and public safety personnel (e.g., police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, other healthcare workers, correctional workers, emergency dispatchers, etc.).

This program is called SENsory Strategies Education (SENSE) and includes 5 virtual group sessions facilitated by a trained clinician and graduate/post-graduate student in a health-related field. During each of these 2-hour sessions, facilitators will provide psychoeducation on specific themes about PTSI symptoms and sensory processing. They will then discuss how the session’s topic applies to participants’ everyday functioning and will provide participants with a number of strategies designed to improve their experiences in this domain. Participants in this study will also be asked to engage in interviews, surveys, and computer-based tasks about their symptoms and experiences and will receive Amazon gift cards as a thanks for their time.

If interested, please contact Vanessa Parise using the contact information below:

Vanessa Parise, B.Sc.
Master’s Student
Trauma and Recovery Research Unit
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University
[email protected]